Master Anecdotes - 1990s
Paul, English, Bristow, Metson

 Ms PAUL (1991-post-1993)

Subject: English

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I had her for English in my first year and thought was ace! She was the exact opposite of all the old stuffy teachers like Stannard. I think she joined the RLS in 1991-ish. [AT]]

From: Adrian Thompson asked: `Do you remember Ms Paul, the English teacher from New Zealand?` Yes, she once thought the 1066 invasion of Britain, and the Battle of Hastings were two different things (Russell Stearman)

ENGLISH (1990s?)


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D.F. BRISTOW (1982-1995)

Subject: Chemistry

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He was a pretty good Chemistry teacher, but I do not think he ever got over the addition of Mr Stannard to Chemistry/Computer Science [DC]

Hook nose. He married Susan Arnold, the school librarian who had a pupil induced nervous breakdown in 1995 and resigned. [AT]

Graham Peter METSON (2000-1)
Design and Technology,

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Graphics, Design and Technology Faculty, Royal Liberty School, Romford, Essex'. His work as an artist is on display at


Subject: Headmaster

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