Another Year Done - a seasonal round of six short poems
by Robert Priddy

Here Comes The Dashing Rain

Here comes the dashing rain!
Don't complain!
Its earth-refreshing sweet cascades
are back at last,
slaking every root that thirsts
pervading to each vital sense...
cleansing, clearing, washing through,
even as it's drenching you.


Ode To Summer Nights

From the sun's relentless stare,
earth shields us with her body,
wraps dark whorls of velvet warmth
about us. Dreams cascade...
we drift on nectar wafts,
pungent stars shine clearly.

Autumn haze

The yellowed maple shines,
silent at approaching dark.
Clues of self-forgetful days
left by the ebbing year...
are put away again.
A child awakens to sadness,
not understanding why.

Harvest Memories

The weight of ripe memory bows my frame
as bittersweet is made from sour.
I catch the waft of wilderness thought,
haycart rides on looping lanes
- farmhands swigged and laughed aloud
in hedgerow luxury, mead-sweet flowers.
Modulating to the shifting breeze
with pollen-packed knees, the blackberry bees,
reorchestrate their chant.

Dark Time

The land laid bare,
trunk and twig
like bones of summer
criss-cross the townscape.
It seems yet chillier,
stark-lined faces
haste on by.

Clean Sweeping Snow

All things fleece-wrapped
by soundless floating flakes.
Between the whirls,
I came and went.


Below the stretch of time's canopy
and aged light that filters down
I turn to catch your face
Instant-bound, still wandering
through pasts that ever grow.

Times within time, wheels churning wheels
turned by the wheel within...
yet at the hub it slows,
flows out to overspread
this ever-present space.


Deep in thought,
time passes me by...
and comes round again.