a hantle o' = a number of ?
abune = above, over
ae = one, only
aiblins = perhaps
aince = once
aipple = apple
airn = iron (Norwegian = jern)
airt = quarter, direction, to aim
aith = oath (Nor. 'ed ')
aits = oats
alane = alone
ane = ain, own, one
anent = concerning - opposite
aroint, aryont = Away, Scram!
aucht = eighth
auld = old
ass, ess, yiss = ash, ashes
assolize = absolve
aucht, aught, aicht = eight (eighth)
ayont = beyond
aw ('a) = all
awbody = anybody
back-cast = setback, misfortune
back-end = autumn
back-thocht = suspicion
bannock = flat oatmean or barley bread
barley kail = kail, greens, broth
Barry, barrae = a barrow
battalation = struggle
bauchle = shoe (shabby) down-at-heel person
baulk = stand back from, won¹t face up to
baulk = fallow strip of land
bawbee = 6 penny coin (deriv cheap escort)
beal, bell = fester
bear = barley
begowked = deceived (stymied?)
Beltane = May Day (Celtic)
benorth = to the north of
bent = grass
bejaunts= 'beaux jens', quality (student class)
bestial = animals, livestock
besom = broomstick (deriv. hussy)
bield (as in bield of the trees) = shelter
bielded = sheltered
bien = well-to-do, comfortable
bien doun-setting
= good establishment?
biggit = built
binna = don't be; unless, excepting
birk = birch
bit = nick of time, timeous; place, piece
black-avised = dark-complexioned
blaeberry = blueberry
blate = bashful, hesitant, timid
blaw = blow (Nor. blåse); boast, flatter
bleeze, bleize = blaze
blench = flinch
blink = moment, glance, smile
blether =blather, idle chat
blithe = glad
bodle, boddle = twopenny piece (Scottish)
bog-fire = will 'o the wisp
bogles = demons, goblins
bolls = measure of corn, beans, root crops
boskage = thick shubbery and trees(Fr.bocage)
braid = broad
brandering = (roasting?)
braw = brave, fine, handsome
braw time = good time
breeks = trousers
brig = bridge
brock = badger
browst (of yill) =
mischief, brew
bruit of it = (noise of it?)
buirdly chiel = ?
buts-and-bens = buts = kitchen, bens = room
byke = wasp¹s nest, crowd
caddis-worm = (glowworm??)
caller = cool, fresh
callout = ?
camsteery lad = ?
cantrip = spree?
canty = cheerful, jolly
carls = old men (Nor. Karl)
cartes = playing cards |
caterans = kind of folk
cauld = cold (Nor. kalt)
certes = for sure
change-houses = ale houses, pubs
chief = friendly
chirugeon = surgeon (Nor. kirurg)
chuckie o' tipyet =
mother hen of ²young²
clachan = hamlet
clamgamphried = made nonsense of
clamjamphrie = rubbish, nonsense, rabble
clary =
clatter-vengeance = revengeful talk?
clavers (old wives' clavers) = tales
cleading = clothing (Nor. kleder)
cleus = ?
clouts = bandages |
clypes = telling tales (already told in confidence)
clyping with = chattering with
cockaree = person
chocket on a grossart =choking on a berry
colloque = confer
coup = (coups the crans) upset, knock over
couthy = loving, kindly
cowes =goblins, demons
cracks = talks, conversations
craig = crag
crans = tripods for cooking pots
craw = crow (Nor. kråke)
creel = basket
creepie = stool, chair, settle?
crouse = cocksure
crow a pyke = pick a bone
crusie = lamp/candle? |
cupples = beans ?
cushats = cushant = wood pigeon
cutty-stool = stool of repentence (church)
daffin' = fooling about, flirting
dang down = overcame (did down)
daunder = stroll
deas = (as in 'turf deas')
deave with = unbearable noises - deafen
deid thraws = death
delations = deletions, removals
denty = ?
ding (out ) = knock (out)
dirl = shake (Nor. 'dirre')
dirlin' = rattling
dittay = reproof, ground of indictment
divot = piece of turf
doer = man of business
doit = small coin |
doited = to be crazed, enfeebled, bemused
dook = duck (as to duck someone)
doomster = hangman
doorcheeks = cheek = side piece
doorstraw = door stone?
dorts = sulks
douce = sedate, sober
doucer = more docile?
dowie job = dowie = gloomy, sad
downsetting = a settling down
dowp = (body part)
dredgies = funeral feast
dreich = dreary
drumly = muddy
duds = old clothes
dwaibly = ?
dwam = swoon/ unconsciousness |
dwine =
een = eyes (Nor. øyne)
eident = careful
eidently = prudently?
elbuck = elbow
engage = confirm
ensample = example
ettle (verb) = aim, purpoes (noun)
ettles = plural
ettling = intending ?
fand = found (Nor. fant)
fash = bother
fashious way = tricky, awkward
fause = false
fechting = fighting, quarrelling
feck o' = ?
ferlies = marvels
fernitickles = freckles |
fickles = puzzles
fleyed = frightened
fleyed out 'o the shiels = ?
floorish & nesty green busses = buss = bush
flyte on = scold (fly at)
flyting = scolding
foumarts = polecats
fower-room = ?
frae that airt = from that
freit = omen
fremd = foreign (Nor. fremmed)
froth on the pat =²head² on a beer (tankard)
fuff (noun) = puff of smoke
fushion = melting
gait = walk (a gait from a to b)
gant = yawn |
gar (verb) = make, cause or
gardee (verb) = to put down ?
garred = forced
garrons = horses
gash = ghastly
gaun = going
gey gash = shrewd, witty
gey goods = ?
gillyflowers = ?
gilpie = young woman
girnel = (house? building? meal container?)
glebe = portion of land
gleed = squinting
gleg =sharp, smart (Nor. 'gløgg')
glegg as a maukin = smart
as a hare
glisk of = glimpse of |
gowk =
dolt, fool
graip = fork (Nor. greip)
granin' = crying (Nor. grining)
grieve = farm manager
grippy =?
grosarts = gooseberries?
grue= grave (as in cauld grue)
guddle trout = tickle trout
guisyard = ?
gyte = deranged, daft?
hadden down = smitten by ?
haill = whole (Nor. hel)
hairst = harvest (Nor. autumn = høst)
hankin' = snagging
hantl = (collection?)
hauds to himself = keeps or holds to himself |
haughs = river plains
haverel = halfwit, simpleton
havers = tales
hellicat = shrew
hirpling = limping, hobbling
hirsel = (hissel = flock
of sheep)
hoast = cough (Nor. host)
hoastin' = coughing (Nor. hoste)
homologate = agree /endorse previous action
hooghed his shelty = ?
hoots, toots =
hotching = jerking, twitching
howdie = midwife
howes = howes
howkit out = dragged out, extracted
howns = (fields?)
hyperion of bourtree & rue = medicine |
ilka = every, any
incomer = one from outside
ingeminating = repeating
inraxed = unstretched
islaff of = a touch of (eg.
the sun)
jaloused = guessed
jauds = portions
jaw = throw, pour
jimp = scarcely
joe = sweetheart
jowk = dodge, duck, evade
kail = cabbage
kail-runt = cabbage stalk
kain meal = tax?
kebbuck = a cheese
keekit out = peered out (Nor. kikke ut)
kenna = know (Nor. kjenne)
kenspeckle = conspicuous
kerns = soldiers/troops/ fellows ? |
kimmer = gossip
kirkton = church
kirn-milk = (kirn = a
churn for making butter)
kittle = excite, tickle, tune-up
kittled = tickled
knowes= knolls
kyn = cattle
laigh = low
lameter (noun) = ?
lauch at = laugh at
lave = others/(the) rest
leal-hearted = loyal, true
lees = ?
lichtit = lighted
limmer = scoundrel, jade, whore
linns = waterfalls
linsey-wolsey = linen wool
lippen = listen
loan = lane |
louping = leaping, jumping (Nor. løping)
loupit like the lave = jumped like the rest
lowe (noun) = flame, blaze
lown downsetting = ?
lown = mild (as of
lugs = ears
lum = chimney
mailin' = small-holding, farm (mailin)
marmoreal =
marrow = mate
maud = plaid (man's garment)
maukin = hare
maun ye?= must you (Nor. må De)
maut = malt, barley
mealark = ?
mense or sense = tact, good manners
messam = messan = cur,
lapdog |
messan duz = ?
michty = mighty
mimmou' = affectedly modest
mooles = (mool = earth,
clod, grave)
muckle = much, many
muir fowl = moor grouse
mutchkin = quarter Scots pint (measure)
naut = ?
neb = nose (Nor. nebb)
neist = next to (Nor. neste ?)
nettie wives = ?
nievefu' = fistful (Nor. neve full)
niffer = bargain
nowt & wedders = ?
nutriment = nourishment
ongaein = goings on ?
ouercome = overcome |
ower puir = overly pure
oxter = armpit
oy = grandson
paiks = punishment/desserts
pawky (pawky bodies) = pauky = cunning, sly
peesweeps = birds
phylacteris = (type of medicine?)
placks, doits, bodles = old coins
plashing bog = wet bog
plenishing = (supplies?)
plew = plough
pow (wags his pow) = head
preen = pin
press = cupboard
press-bed = cupboard or alcove beds
prickers = ?
prie = try or taste
prie = try
printit lear = pronted learning, lore |
puddock = frog or toad
pyets = magpies
ran-dan = rangling (Nor. å rangle)
randan =
randies = ?
rax your legs = stretch
recusancy = refusal
redd up = clear up (Nor. rydde opp)
redd (verb) = right/save (Nor. å redde)
redder's straik = the
peacemakers blow
reddings = ?
rede = advise (Nor. råd)
reek = smoke
rickle (mere rickle of
bones)= pile of sheaves (corn)
riddled it out = figured it out
rig = ?
ripe (verb) = ?
roupit = roupet = husky,
hoarse |
rowk =
rudas wives = ?
run like jukes =
saft een = saft = soft, silly
saft = soft, silly, lax
sair = sore, very - satisfy
sair tuilzie = (sour ?)
sark = shirt?
sarkfo' = sachful
saugh = willow
saut = salt
scaith = ?
scart (with a pen) =
stroke?, signature?
scaurs = scars
screed = tear, rattle off
scunner = take a dislike to
sea-maw = coastal bay?
sectaries & antinomians = secretaries? & ?
seisun of = knowledge of?
shaws = woods
sheiling = cottage |
shilpit = ?
siccan = such an (Nor. 'slik en'?)
siccar = sure (Nor. 'sikkert')
skailed = spilled, poured?
skellies = squints
skellochs = yells?
skilly = skilled ?
smeddum = dust, fine
smoor (verb) = to smother
snaw = snow (Nor. snø)
sned them = lop off, prune
snell = keen, bitter wind
snowk up = breath in
sodgers = soldiers
sowens = sour pudding (oats and water)
speel a tree = climb
spleuchan = tobacco pouch (scrotum, vagina)
staunchtit oot =
stretched out?
steekit doors = shut,
(barred/locked) doors?
stench lees = ?
stound = thrill of pleasure |
stoup (take a stoup) = tankard,
stour = dust
straucht = straight (?Nor. strak)
stravaiging = wandering (Nor. streife ?)
straw (verb) = sicken (one)?
strawsome = ?
swatch o' = sample
sweir = hard (Nor. svær)
syne = ago, since
tack = lease, tenure
take tent of = take note of
targes & spears = targets & shields/spears
teetotom = spinning top?
temd = fealty
tent = heed, care
teugh = tough, hardy
the bejaunts = ?
the feck of = the whole of |
the get of = the way of
thirled = pierced, penetrated
thole = tolerate, endure
thrang = busy, crowd, jostle (eg.thrang body)
thrang , the Deil's =
devil of a crowd
thrapple = throat
thrawn heids = unshaken,
unchangeable heads (opinion)
thraws = pangs
threshes = thrashes, flails
thrissels = thistles
tirrivee = generally upset (various causes)
to lowse = to loose
to speir = to ask (Nor. spør)
tod = fox
toom = empty (Nor. tom)
tramash = confusion, likened to tirrivee
traunched by = ?
trokings = dealings (troke = to barter) |
tykes = dogs, mongrels, curs
unco = strange
usquebaugh = whisky (Burns = usquabae)
wabster = weaver
wale = pick, choice, select
wame = belly, womb (Nor. Belly = vom)
wan = won
wanchancy thing = dangerous, unlucky
wastry = extravagance, wastefulness
wauf = feeble
waukrife = wakeful, vigilant
weans = children, infants
wedder = sheep?
wergh = ?
wershland = sour land, rank soil
whaup = curlew |
wheen =
whilk = which
whinstone screes =
whittle at the King's perogative = reduce it? whittle = knife
widdershins = anticlockwise
windy = window (Nor. vindu )
wirriecowgin =
wuddy = hangman's rope
wysed = deceived
wyte = blame
yestreen = yesterday
yett = gate
yill = ale (as of beer?)
yirth = earth |