Scan of notes made in 1990 after talking with close Sai Baba confidante and editor, the famous former national journalist V.K. Narasimhan

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26/9/90 Morning darsan
N. took me off again ((note V.K. Narasimhan)) and we had a long talk in his room and more tiffin in the canteen etc. This was the most interesting for me to date. Subjects he covered included Annie Besant, Krishnamurti (i.e. K's meeting with Baba who told him off for berating the Vedas, shastris and puranans etc. and asked him whether he knew them at all or understood them 'why attack the faith of others?' K. was told. Also why should not his (K's books also be burned? What made them so different?'
(Comment: Only an ignoramus would fail to see what made Jiddu Krishnamurti's writing VERY different from scriptures. He opposed all manner of religious speculation and superstition, and therefore saw the need to criticise 'the faith of others1 which was so misleading and overall very deleterious to society and the individual)

N. told of his meeting K. following him for some time - then (when he was with Baba) how negatively K. reacted etc. to it. N. was also told by (?) Sai that he (Sai) had told Aurobindo that, by sleeping in the same room as the Mother, he was setting a bad example!
(Comment: What about the very bad example set by Sai Baba himself having young boys sleeping in his rooms, and even telling about it in discourses. Sheer hypocrisy! It is widely recognised that the flood of testimonies about his sexual use of males, students and visitors, is very well-founded)

Likewise, Ramana Maharshi had been reprimanded by the young Sai for not covering his body properly before all the people, including ladies, who came to see him. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was also told not to make money from spirituality! This was at a meeting in Bombay, most likely (not Puttaparthi). Comment: Talk of hypocrisy! Taking money for spirituality was Sai Baba' greatest forte. It was ostensibly to serve the poor and suffering, educating them etc. ,but the vast amount went to magnificent building projects promoting Sai Baba himself - such as his huge birthday celebrations. Huge sums were embezzled by his own officials and entrepreneurs etc. while it is know that huge bribes were paid for cover-up operations and his personal security force. He also awarded new Japanese cars to five of his cronies and many other perks - residences etc. to others.

N. also talked about the possibility of an offset press for P.N. and the problem of management & a competent devoted leader, for whom Sai was waiting before setting up such an enterprise.
(Note: Later he also told me that a US devotee had sent an entire offset machine to SB at Brindavan, but it has stood in the rain for a year an was useless!)
The case of the driver: N. had never spoken of it to anyone but me before. Key points: (Over) Sensitive person may have taken comments by S,B. to heart too literally - he had killed a person by careless driving - tho' warned three times previously about driving too fast/confidently by S.B.
(Comment: The driver had been excluded by the ashram, was denied to speak to Sai Baba and had no other means of livlihood. He set fire to himself under a statue of Shiva in the Hillview Stadium area).
N. also 'compared' with other incidents: Sai's punishment of Kasturi for a fault warned about 3 times - breaking faith with the Telugu San. Sarathi once published verbatim Sai saying, during a discourse, that a son who went against his father's wished could just as well be poisoned for it. It had been, said S.B., specifically intended only for a man in the audience who had actually just poisoned his son & who was suffering terrible guilt for it. This passage was left out by Narasimhan in th English version! (Note: The Telugu version had printed it and suffered the wrath of Sai Baba)
N. also related about his visit to U.K. & Parliament in 1953 with Churchill. (Note: He heard Churchill speak, but did not meet him)

Also, yesterday about his editor son's trip to Moscow to Gorbatchev together with India's President. And the reaction to his articles. So positive that the Russian embassy wants them in book form etc. (Note: Later his son, V.K. Narayanan, who I met a few times, committed a major fault - he was disgraced for plagiarism of Brian Appleyard's column in the Sunday Times, whereby he lost his entire and once very high-flying career in journalism.)

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