In its recent documentary, the BBC refers to Sathya
Sai Baba as ÔThe Secret Swami.Õ IndiaÕs most famous and incredibly
influential guru, Sathya Sai Baba claims to be God fully incarnate come to save
the world before he leaves it. He turns 80 next November.
The Sathya Sai Central Trust receives mind-boggling
charitable donations. The Rediff.com news agency reported, August 16, 2003,
"The largest recipient of foreign contribution was Sri Sathya Sai Central
Trust, Rs 88.18 crore (Rs 881.8 million)
The Prashanthi Council is the high command body of
the multi-billion (any currency) guru cult that claims tens of millions of
devotees, active in over 150 countries. In his ÔRadio SaiÕ column, the
councilÕs deputy chairman, Dr G. Venkataraman, refers to two high officials in
the Government of India who intervened with UNESCO to get removed a UNESCO
media advisory adversely naming Sathya Sai Baba from its official website:
UNESCO has told the BBC, an Australian newspaper
and others not connected with Sai Baba or his critics that the Advisory was
withdrawn Òas a result of a routine system purge.Ó However,
the Venkataraman article and subsequent investigations by the BBC cast doubt on
the version given by three UNESCO spokespersons.
One of the officials said to have intervened
was Jaswant Singh, at the time IndiaÕs Foreign Minister in the recently
defeated right-wing A.B. Vajpayee government, and a Sai Baba devotee, according
to Venkataraman. The other, was Òa top diplomat, another devotee of thirty
years or so, and also IndiaÕs representative in UNESCO,Ó formerly IndiaÕs
Ambassador to France.
The Media Advisory resulted from investigation
(including checking with the French
national police, the SuretŽ) of extensive
documentary evidence sent to senior UNESCO officials by former Sai Baba
devotees from several professional backgrounds and countries. This included
sworn victim statements and parental testimony, alleging serial sexual abuse of
young males by Sai Baba.
In short, as G. Venkataraman would have it,
influence from high places in the Government of India got the Media Advisory

The Media Advisory, dated September 15,
2000, had announced UNESCOÕs withdrawal from a large, international human
values education conference scheduled at Puttaparthi, in South India, for
September 25-29, 2000, along with UNESCOÕs partner, the University of Flinders,
South Australia. UNESCO stated that: (it was) "deeply
concerned about widely-reported allegations of sexual abuse involving youths
and children" against Sai Baba, and objected to the actions of
some of Sai BabaÕs conference leaders. ÒCertain decisions were taken by the
ISSE (Institute of Sathya Sai Education) without consultation, such as plans to
hold some of the sessions at the Ashram of the Sathya Sai movement in
Puttaparthi, and (there was) Òthe inclusion of some speakers in the conference
programme without their previous consent.Ó
In the Radio Sai column referred to above, G.
Venkataraman says: ÒBoth the Foreign Minister and
this diplomat were terribly upset that nothing had been done this far, and now,
all of a sudden the wheel began to crank.Ó
IndiaÕs UNESCO representative then wrote, according
to G. Venkataraman, to UNESCOÕs Deputy Director General saying that: Òthe Government of India considers Sri Sathya Sai
Baba and his movement a national asset and takes strong exception to UNESCO
press release, which spreads wholly unfounded and unsubstantiated
allegation against Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I would therefore request you to
take immediate steps to remove the objectionable press advisory from the UNESCO
website. I would also appreciate an expression of regret for the damage caused
to one of India's revered public figures, without first verifying the facts and
any consultation with Indian authorities.Ó
Dr. Venkataraman quotes what he claims to be the
letter of reply to IndiaÕs UNESCO representative by UNESCOÕs Deputy Director
ÒI do appreciate this concern and wish to inform
you that following your personal intervention, the media advisory in question
was immediately withdrawn from the archives of the UNESCO's web site for
I should also like to take this
opportunity to say how much the Organisation regrets this unfortunate incident
and to reiterate to you, on behalf of the Director General, that the
Organisation attaches the greatest importance to the varied forms of fruitful
collaboration that we have enjoyed with your country for many years.
I hope this letter will set your mind at rest and dispel any misunderstanding.Ó
The Deputy Director GeneralÕs statement about the
Advisory being Òimmediately withdrawnÓ contradicts a number of statements
emerging from no fewer than three of his official spokespersons - Isabel le
Fournis, the late Elke Salas Rossenbach, and Sue Williams.
The UNESCO (Paris) has told several enquirers that
the Advisory was deleted from their website in "a routine
purge". This account diverges seriously from G. VenkataramanÕs
account. In early May 2004, the BBC showed the Deputy Director GeneralÕs letter
to his representative, Sue Williams, Chief of Section, Bureau of Public
Information, and she did not deny, although did not confirm, that he wrote such
a letter.
Some of the enquirers who have spoken to UNESCO
have nothing to do with the exposure of Sathya Sai Baba, but contacted UNESCO
as required by their institutional responsibilities:
Garth Wynne, Headmaster of Christ Church Grammar
School, Perth, Western Australia, has said that this UNESCO OfficeÕs
spokesperson Isabel le Fournis told him in early February 2004 that the
Advisory was withdrawn Òas a result of a routine system purge.Ó Contact
details: gwynne@ccgs.wa.edu.au. Ph. +61 8 9442 1555. Fax +61 8 9442 1690.
Isabel le Fournis: i.le-fournis@unesco.org
Torrance Mendez, award-winning
journalist confirms that Isabel le Fournis gave the same information to
The West Australian newspaper in an email dated February 5, 2004, 10.32 pm.
Contact details: Torrance.Mendez@wanews.com.au. Ph. +61 8 9482 3231
David Savill, Assistant Producer, BBC was told
the same by Sue Williams, Chief of Section, Bureau of Public Information,
UNESCO, and that indeed "there was no ghost in
the machine." (See below) Contact details: david.savill@bbc.co.uk Room
1355 White City. Wood Lane. London. Ph. 0208 75 27502 - 07947 258 254
I have an email (Tue, 30 Mar 2004 12:25:17 +0200)
from the then Director, Bureau of Public Information, the late Elke Salas
Rossenbach, who preceded Sue Williams in this matter. After some prompting, Ms
Rossenbach wrote to me: ÒThis results from a
routine operation to purge and update the site.Ó Ms WilliamsÕs
contact details: s.williams@unesco.org . Ph.+33 (0)1 45 68 17 06. Fax: +33
(0)1 45 68 56 59
I also have a copy of a letter by Sue Williams, dated
May 13, 2004, in which she states: Òthe media advisory dealing with this issue
resulted from a routine operation to purge and update the site.Ó
In the same letter, Sue Williams also writes: ÒUNESCO having had no further relationship directly or
indirectly with the Institute of Sathya Sai Education, and there having
been no new information brought to its attention, the Organization cannot, at
this time, make any further comment on the subject.Ó
Yet here we have Dr VenkataramanÕs testimony that
the Deputy Director General (note: Ms WilliamsÕs own boss) had indeed been so
much in touch with the issue as to have written an abjectly apologetic letter
to IndiaÕs chief representative to UNESCO stating that: Òfollowing your personal intervention,
the media advisory in question was immediately withdrawn from the archives of
the UNESCO's web site for education.Ó
(Note: CcÕd recipients of this letter were: Louise
FrŽchette, Deputy Secretary-General the United Nations; Abdul Waheed Khan,
Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information,
UNESCO; Phillip Stonehouse, Executive Director, South Asia, Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia; Glen Meloy, formerly member of the first
Advisory Board of the Sathya Sai Society of America and Co-Manager, Sathya Sai
Book Center of America, Tustin, California, USA).
BBC Enquiries Confirm Collusion Between UNESCO and
Sathya Sai Organisation
Unfortunately for the credibility of the UNESCO
Bureau of Public Information, the BBC was armed with a copy of G. VenkataramanÕs
article. Eamon Hardy, producer of the BBC documentary highly critical of Sai
Baba and his leaders, ÔThe Secret Swami,Õ had also seen a relevant UNESCO
letter when speaking at Puttaparthi with Sai Baba's world chairman, Dr
Michael. Goldstein. (This was in the BBC/Puttaparthi ÔhoneymoonÕ
period just before the BBC tried to question Dr Goldstein about the worldwide
allegations against Sai Baba, resulting in the BBCÕs immediate eviction by
Sathya Sai BabaÕs officials. ÔThe Secret SwamiÕ has already been telecast to
many countries throughout the world, in some a number of times)
Furthermore, BBC staff spoke to India's then
Permanent Representative to UNESCO, Mrs Neelam Sabharwal, (since
named India's Ambassador to Cyprus), and were greeted with the blank
statement that "Sai Baba is a respected Godman" and no, she
didn't know why UNESCO had issued a media advisory and that it had
been withdrawn. Really?!
Having sensed serious UNESCO contradiction and
evasion - particularly in the light of the Venkataraman material - the BBC
first tactically held back and then released the whole Venkataraman piece to
the UNESCO official, Sue Williams, whose immediate boss is the Deputy Director
General. After repeated pressure from the BBC via phone and email, Ms Williams
wrote to the BBC: ÒUNESCO does not
regret issuing the media release of September 15 2000"
In short, UNESCO repudiated, then - hard-pressed
and cornered by the worldÕs most famous broadcaster - retracted its
repudiation. Unfortunately, the exposure came too late to be included in the
documentary. Indeed, the BBC holds over 80 hours of footage of powerful
testimony against Sai Baba containing allegations that depict large scale
serial sexual abuse of males from many countries.
It is a shock to experience leading UNESCO
officials giving every appearance of first repeatedly evading, then lying and
covering up. When institutions such as the Church of Christ Grammar School
and media such as The West Australian and the BBC contacted this UNESCO Bureau
of Public Information, they were told that the earlier Media Advisory
"does not now reflect UNESCO's position".
Such a statement most wrongfully and hurtfully
undermines the credibility of many former devotees around the world, citizens
in excellent standing in their professions and wider communities - including
those who shared, with considerable effort, especially emotionally, with the
senior UNESCO officials their terribly painful stories of sexual abuse at the
hands of Sathya Sai Baba, which led, only after strenuous investigation by its
senior officials, to UNESCO's earlier posting of the Media Advisory.
Should UNESCO allow itself to be any part of a
profound, corrupt cover-up by any government and institution of revelations
that would, for example, endanger such vast overseas cash flows as those the
Sathya Sai Central Trust attracts to India?
If UNESCO should refuse to honor to the public and
the media the correction enforced from Sue Williams by the BBC - in other
words, the Williams retraction of the le Fournis-Rossenbach-Williams
repudiations - the organisation will stand condemned for failing to apply to
itself the UN Covenant on the Rights of the Child, one of the UN's own most
important covenants.