Tal Brooke first published his main exposé book on Sathya Sai Baba under the title 'Avatar of Night - The Hidden Side of Sai Baba'. in 1982, Tamang Paperbacks ISBN 0-7069-1483-X) It was the earliest published account in English of Sathya Sai Baba's sexual molestations. Sai Baba's people apparently bought up every copy in India as soon as possible to destroy them, so it became unavailable very soon. It was republished under various titles abroad (see book list). Sathya Sai Baba Brooke was one of the earliest western devotees who came very close to Sai Baba, the trials and tribulations of which he tells. Many months at the ashram following what he thought to be a supreme spiritual master and avatar turned eventually into a living nightmare, not only did he discover dark sides to Sai baba - including sexual abnormalities ain reported abuses of young men, but an increasing condition of mental stress and physical weakening, the latter due to the cheap but unnourishing food from the ashram canteens.
One important central fact about Tal Brooke's disaffection is that it occurred well before he began to read the Bible or became at all converted to Christianity. This shows the error and calculated disinfomational nature of the attacks on his integrity and truthfulness about the sexual incidents and for his religious conviction by defenders of Sai Baba as a "Christian fundamentalist" (despite SB's supposedly universal and non-discriminatory doctrine). His actual experiences at the time and his account of those events stands independently, though he admittedly later interpreted Sathya Sai Baba's behaviour to some degree in terms of Christian beliefs.
The following scanned excerpts from his writings covers the main revelations about Sai Baba's nature and sexuality:-

Avatar of Night: The Hidden Side of Sai Baba. - BROOKE, TAL ... Avatar of Night: The Hidden Side of Sai Baba. BROOKE, TAL . Price: $30.00. ISBN: 0-7069-1483-X. Ghaziabad, India:: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,, 1982. ...
Also: Avatar of Night (Berkeley: End Run Publishing, 1999).
Lord of the Air: Tales of a Modern Antichrist (Eugene: Harvest, 1990). ISBN 0-89081-834-7
Sai Baba, Lord of the Air (New Delhi: Vikas, 1979).
Riders of the Cosmic Circuit (Tring: Lion/Sutherland: Albatross Books, 1986).
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